Sharehouse Rules
Entry day
- You must read this rule book completely, understand and follow the rules within.
- Misunderstanding of the rules will not be accepted as a reason for not following the rules.
- Please write your name on the residents whiteboard.
- Before moving in, our staff check the room thoroughly. However, we ask you to check the mattress and bedding yourself. If you notice any problems with the bedding, please contact Commonshare immediately. If there is no contact on your entry day, we will presume that the room is in good condition (and will take this as reference for your room check on your final day).
Communal Post
- Please place mail that is address to other residents in the correct numbered wall pocket.
- Please place any mail that is address to non-residents in the wall pocket (Management company)
- Please throw out any mail/leaflets that are not addressed.
Entrance area
- Please keep the front door locked at all times. Use of the door latch is prohibited.
- Please do not leave your shoes on the entrance floor (always keep shoes in the shoe box).
- Shoes that are left on the entrance floor will be disposed of without prior notice.
- Use of other residents shoe box area is prohibited.(any shoes that do not fit in the shoe box area are to be
kept in your own room)
- If there is a free space provided in the shoe box area, please discuss with other residents before using.
- Do not use vacant rooms shoe box area. They will be disposed of without notice.
- Please limit to 2 umbrellas in the entrance area. Others should be kept in your own room.
- It is prohibited to leave garbage in the entrance area.
- Please only use your numbered box/shelf for personal belongings.
- Do not leave food in the triangular corner net of the sink.Please empty or replace each time (firstly placing into a disposable bag)
- It is prohibited to use toilet paper as an alternative to kitchen paper.
- Please clean kitchen items and put away within 10 minutes of using.
(when using the drying area, put away within the day)
- Any personal items left on the kitchen counter or table will be disposed of without notice.
- If there is a free space provided, please discuss with other residents before using.
However, you must make space for any new residents who move in during your stay.
- Please keep noise in the kitchen to a bare minimum especially between 10pm and 7am.
- It is prohibited to keep personal items around the cooking appliances.
- When a 24 hour garbage area is provided in the building, please dispose of garbage when you notice the trash cans are full.
Otherwise, please dispose of the garbage on the designated days.
- It is prohibited to keep cardboard boxes and similar garbage in the communal area.
Please keep in your own room and dispose of on the designated days.
- When throwing out trash, immediately replace the trash bag.
Fridge-Freezer(when an fridge-freezer is not provided in your own individual room)
- Please write your name or room number on food that is kept in the fridge-freezer.
- Any items that have been placed for a long period without a number/name will be disposed of without prior
- Please limit bottles/cans to two items per person.
Please only use your fair share of space in the fridge-freezer.
- Any items of food with a strong smell should be kept in a sealed bag or container.
- Do not eat other residents food.
- If there are any spills in the fridge-freezer, please clean immediately.
Rice cooker
- After cooking rice, please clean for other residents to use.
- It is prohibited to leave cooked rice in the cooker.
Microwave oven・Toaster
- After using, please clean thoroughly each time for other residents to use.
- Do not leave any spills or food in the microwave oven or toaster.
Bathroom area
- Please write your name and room number on the white board near the bath with the time you will be taking a bath or shower.
- Please limit to 30 minutes.
- During the hours of 5am and 10am, please only use the shower, and limit to 15 minutes.
- You MUST remove ALL hair from the bath or shower after each use.
Any personal items kept in the shower room will be disposed of without notice.
Bathroom sink
- Please limit to 3 personal items on the bathroom sink shelf. Others should be kept in your individual numbered box.
- Any items exceeding this will be disposed of.
- Please write your name or room number on your individual items.Any non-labeled items will be disposed of without
- It is prohibited to take the hair drier into you individual room.
Please clean the hair drier after each use.
- You MUST remove ALL hair from the bathroom sink after each use.
Washing machine-drier
- It is prohibited to use the washing machine-drier between 12am midnight and 7am.
- Use of the washing machine-drier is based on a reservation system.
- Please write your name and room number with the time you will be using the washing machine.
- Only use the drier function when there are no other reservation for the washing machine.
- When using the washing machine, if other residents clothes remain in the drum, please transfer the clothes to the laundry basket provided.
- Do not wash shoes or boots in the washing machine.
- Please dispose of any sanitary items in a bag before disposing of with the general burnable trash.
- It is prohibited to flush garbage etc in the toilet.
- When flushing the toilet, without fail, make sure the toilet has completely flushed.
- If the toilet gets blocked, please use the toilet plunger provided.
- If the toilet remains blocked, you must quickly call a plumber to fix. (This is at your own expense and not of the company)
- If the toilet remains unfixed, all residents will be gathered to find out who was the cause.
- This person will be invoiced for the fees and may take several days before the toilet is fixed.
Balcony area
- Do not leave items on the balcony area(suitcase etc)They will be disposed of without notice.
- Only use the balcony for drying your clothes.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited on the balcony (as with any part of the share house or building)
Individual room
- Talking on the phone is prohibited between 12am midnight and 7am. Please exit the building before making
phone calls between this time.
- You must use earphones between the hours of 12am midnight and 7am when listening to music, watching TV or playing electronic games.
- Do not bang on the walls.
- Please turn of computers, heaters, AC unit and lighting before leaving your room.
- Do not let the trash build up in your room.
- If there are any strong odors or abnormal sounds from your room, we will enter your room even without your permission.
Vacant rooms
- It is strictly prohibited to enter or use vacant rooms. If this is discovered, we will charge one months rent and utilities for the use of the room.
Warnings of rules
- Do not make new rules etc between residents.
- It is prohibited to warn other residents regarding the rules.
Even for trivial matters, please contact Commonshare and we will do our best to rectify any issues as soon as
Supplied products
- We supply cleaning products, etc on a regular basis. However, overuse of these products will result in a stoppage of supply.
- It is prohibited to keep supplied products in your own room.
Individual room lock number change
- If we cannot confirm the payment of your rental fee.
- If we cannot make contact with you regarding over-due payments and house rules.
A charge of 5,500yen (inc. tax) will be incurred for change of locks.
Once we have confirmed payment of both rent and change of lock fee, we will reissue a new number.
Loss of key
- A charge of 11,000yen (inc. tax) will be charged for a replacement key.
- We can only replace the key during business hours (10am to 7pm) at our offices.
Bicycle parking
- There is no space provided for your bicycle at all of our properties.
- We will not take responsibility for the removal of any bicycles parked in or around the
Departure Day
- A complete one months notice must be given before departure.
- If you leave within one month, you will still be charged for a complete month.
- Please dispose of all trash and use a vacuum to clean the floors.
- Please make sure any hairs in the room have been removed.
- Please remove all personal items.
- Please wipe down the table, chair and around the windows with a cloth.
- Please make sure the blue mattress cover and pillow have been washed.
- Please make sure all personal items have been removed from the kitchen, bathroom and shoe box area.
- Please make sure that all payments have been made.
- Please arrange your mail to be transferred to your new address.
Any items left after departure will be disposed of immediately.
Bedding Rules
- You must wash the blue mattress cover and pillow before departure. Please use bleach if there are any stains.
- A charge of 2,000yen ( will be made if the mattress cover and pillow have not been washed.
This fee must be paid before departure of the share house.
- A charge of 10,000yen (inc. tax) will be made if the bedding is damaged or stained.
This fee must be paid before departure of the share house.