コモンシェア ロゴ

Trash done Japanese!



Time for a re-think!

Along with a new culture, a new language and new experiences, one of the first things you will have to get used to starting out in Japan is the trash! And believe me, this is no easy feat! – long gone are the days when everything goes in to one bag and gets put out at the bottom of the street!

With calendars telling you which days to take out what, different colored trash cans and bags, explanation sheets in the most popular languages telling you what goes where, and even apps for your phone, this is definitely a serious matter in Japan!

Depending on where you live, you may even have the locals going through your trash, making sure that your convenience store bento box has been washed out or that the labels have been taken of your plastic bottles and the lids separated into different bags!

And living in a share house is no exception!

Separating trash

Generally speaking, trash is separated into four different groups in the Commonshare share houses. However, in some of our share houses, we may provide extra trash cans where the separation of trash is stricter than normal.

Below is a rough guideline! However, each municipality may have it`s own specific rules which you must check out. When you register your address at the municipality hall, you will be given information regarding this, or you can search for detailed information on the net.

In the mean-time, here goes!!

Burnable trash

check check

Non-burnable trash

check check

PET bottles

check check

Cans/Glass bottles

check check


in quickly


Many to choose from!!

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